Saturday, February 7, 2009

Paris Feburary 7th

Dear Monsieur Whiskers,

I went into Paris today and it was beautiful. I don't have time to chat long but here's a few pictures to show you a bit about what I did. The picture above is of Notre Dame and the Seine. Enjoy.

Fatiguée (tired),


This one is fairly obvious. It's hard to believe I saw this painting in person instead of in book store somewhere.

This one is outside the Musée D'Orsay (a famous museum). Do you see all the snow? Love it.

This is of the quai de gare (train station) on the way home.


Anonymous said...

awesome.. beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I *love* the picture of you. It's so... so... so... GLORIOUS. It's like a picture of a promise fulfilled, God granting your hopes and dreams.