I'm back from France. It's been a month and a half now since I've returned. Is that how long it takes for sweet memories to fade into daydreams? It's hard to believe that I've gone and returned. Yet, my heart reminds me that it is true. What I have experienced is not a lie. My fear if forgetfulness. Will those sweet memories cease to exisit if I forget them?
Tara, my step-mom, bought me European style hot coco. I had my first cup this morning. As I sipped the not-overloaded-sweetness-like-American-hot-coco flashes of memories of being in Paris flooded my gaze -sitting on the Parisian patios watching the passer-byers, absorbing the French words swirling around. These sweet memories bring me to tears. The longing to return is great.
I wrote a quote down a month ago that has been lingering on my desk, its words speak perfectly to my heart right now.
Faith looks back and draws courage;
hope looks ahead and keeps desire alive.
-J. Eldredge from The Sacred Romance
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