Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Dear Friends & Family,

Happy New Year! I hope that 2009 finds you well and ready for the adventures this year will hold. As you may have heard, I am going on an adventure of my own in 2009—I will be spending three months in France as a missionary nanny to help relieve the burdens and support the work of a family who is part of Greater Europe Mission.

This is an exciting time for me, as I step out to help them as they continue their much-needed work in France. This is the first opportunity I’ve had to live outside of the United States for any significant period of time, as well as the first time that I will have traveled to Europe. I look forward to this being a transformative experience both while I’m with the Cross family, and while I travel across France on my own.

I’d like to invite you to be a part of this adventure with me. I have significant expenses at home that I’m responsible for while I’m overseas, as well as certain living and travel expenses to cover while I’m in France. Because I am going to support the Cross family with missionary nannies, I will not be paid directly by the Crosses, Greater Europe Mission, or Missionary Nannys (the organization through which I am raising tax-deductible support.)

There are two ways that you can help me make this incredible adventure with God happen. First, I have a missionary budget that is dedicated specifically to covering my expenses while I am serving the Cross family. This includes living expenses such as food, as well as direct travel to and from the Cross household. Donating toward these expenses is tax-deductible. The way to donate directly to this mission is by sending a check to this address, Mission Nannys P.O. Box 61805, Santa Barbara, CA 93160-1805.

The second method of support is direct donation. While this method does not result in a tax-deduction for you, you will be making my travel while in France possible, including such incredible experiences as visiting the beaches of Normandy to learn about the battles of WWII and spending time learning about the Renaissance artists in the museums of Paris. I would be so grateful if you chose to support this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you would like to donate directly to me, you can send a check or money order to Raechel Owens, 5945 Chokecherry Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80919, USA or donate via Paypal using my email address, raechelo@gmail.com.

This new year is one of change and opportunity, life and more adventure than I had dreamed possible. I am looking forward to seeing the kingdom of God grow through my support of the Cross family as I provide childcare, meal planning, housekeeping and other help which in turn relieves their stress and will bring them rest. I am also hoping to learn more about the culture around me, the history behind me, and the future ahead of me as I travel through France.

I would be blessed if you would choose to support me either financially or through prayer. If you have further questions about my coming adventure, please email me at raechelo@gmail.com or call me at 719-352-8016. I will soon be starting a blog to keep you updated on my adventures.

May God’s adventures find you in 2009!

Love and thanks,

Raechel Owens